Every industry has to evolve. High-end audio is no different. What hurt this industry was telling people that if they didn't own amplifier 'X' for $10,000 or interconnect cable 'Y' for $3,000/1m - they were not part of our little club. We pushed women away because they were not welcome (even if they represent the majority of music listeners),...
If you're building a Dolby Atmos home theater system, there can be no compromises when selecting a proper 9-11 channel power amplifier. The Monoprice Monolith 11X 11-channel power amplifier delivers robust power in one chassis at a very solid price.
Youthman takes the Monoprice Monolith for an extended ride with some of the best Dolby Atmos-encoded films.
For more information: Monoprice...
$350 can buy a wide range of items in 2019. A custom suit from Suit Supply made from Italian wool or a pair of well-made dress boots. It will even buy two bottles of drinkable Scotch to enjoy with your Rabbi during the High Holidays, or a brand-new pair of hockey skates for your teenager who just made the...
It has been a busy summer so far with more than a dozen reviews underway; including part one of our integrated amplifier round-up which will include the NAD D 3045, and Cambridge Audio AXA35. Part two will feature the Naim Nait XS 3 and Audiolab 6000A. We plan on comparing all four of these very different sounding integrated amplifiers...
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Let’s Talk Headphones and IEM’s with El Jefe Reviews – Daily HiFi Podcast
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Guest - El Jefe Reviews: http://youtube.com/eljefereviews
Co-Host - New Record Day: http://youtube.com/newrecordday
Co-Host - Joe N Tell: http://youtube.com/joentell
Shout outs: Apos...
Daily HiFi Podcast + 12v Talk – Live Call In
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Guests Big D Wiz from Williston Audio Labs and HiFi Vega co-host of the 12v Talk podcast.
12V Talk Podcast...
The Daily HiFi Live Podcast Test Run with Live Callers
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Joe from Joe N Tell and Ron from New Record Day discuss:
The Micca RB42, Micca OoO, Vintage Gear, Retro...