ELAC Adante | Chapter 2: Sound Clips with Commentary


In Chapter 2 of the ELAC Adante Review, we check out some sound clips! Please stay tuned for Chapter 3: Testing and Measuring! Thanks so much for watching and remember to hit the thumbs up for the video! We appreciate it!

+++Gear used+++
Source: VPI Avenger, Dynavector 20x2l Macbook Pro/Roon/Qobuz
Amplifier: Vinnie Rossi LIO/AVC Tubestage module https://www.vinnierossi.com/
LTA MZ3 and Ultra Linear Amplifier: https://www.lineartubeaudio.com/
NAD M10: https://nadelectronics.com/product/m1…
DAC: Vinnie Rossi LIO https://www.vinnierossi.com/
Speaker cables: Audience http://audience-av.com/cables/

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