CEDIA Expo 2019 Show Report Podcast

CEDIA Expo 2019 Show Report Podcast

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CEDIA Expo 2019 Show Report Podcast

Host Ron from New Record Day talks with Techno Dad about Cedia Expo 2019. Their I.T. guy Joe N Tell joins the conversation. 😉
Techno Dad is now a robot. He’s up in a Motel 6 because of possible fires in his area, and he is working with an upload speed of …ONE. 1 mbps or 1 kbps, we aren’t sure. Ron considers moving from a 2 channel system to an AC3 setup. ????
Today’s Topics Include:
Best of Show CEDIA 2019
Brilliant smart lighting other stuff
Wisdom Audio demo – Best of Show?
Martin Logan 
Hot new trends 
Epson UST projector
Micro LED screens from many manufacturers  Segura
Waterproof TVs super bright outdoor 
Interior smart mirrors 
Audio Control – new processors and AVRs 
Lexicon – one new processor 