NAD Showcases Masters M10 Streaming Amplifier at CEDIA

NAD M10 Streaming Amplifier

NAD has been pushing streaming technology for many years with their Master series digital amplifiers, D 3020 V2, D 3045 Hybrid Amplifiers, and the Bluesound Node and PowerNode products (Bluesound and NAD are both siblings under the Lenbrook umbrella). When their rivals over at Naim Audio launched the Uniti range a number of years ago, you knew that a response was forthcoming from the folks just outside of Toronto. NAD has the resources and engineering talent to make that happen.

The Masters M10 Streaming Amplifier has been available for a number of months and the response so far has been universal praise from all who have had the chance to try one. It is not inexpensive at $2,750 USD but minus an internal phono stage, it has everything that you could possibly need to create a a high-end audio system in 2019. The control app and Dirac Live set-up option make this one of the best products of its kind.

DailyHiFi has been at RMAF and CEDIA this week and we were fortunate enough to spend some time with the folks at NAD for a more in-depth view of the product.

For more information: NAD Masters M10 Streaming Amplifier